How to fall asleep quicker and easier!

Ever trying to sleep, but you end up laying in bed, wide awake? Well I have a solution that will make you fall asleep in just minutes. If you follow the routine I put below you should be able to fall asleep within minutes 😴

Nightly Routine to help you fall asleep:

1. Before you get in bed, meditate. Trust me, it works. Meditation is scientifically proven to help calm your body down, and to bring down your anxiety. A great meditation app to use is called Headspace. The app is free on ios and android. 

2. Follow a nightly yoga routine. Personally I follow one by Alivia D'Andrea. I will leave the link below. Alivia also is a very inspirational person who has many great videos to watch. I suggest subscribing to her on youtube and watching 1 video daily.

3.  Don't have caffeine before bed. All it does is keep you up. If you need a drink, tea is the right one before bed. Make sure to drink decaf though, you don't want it to have caffeine.

4. Don't look at screens half an hour before bed. The blue light reflecting off of the screen keeps your mind running even after you shut it off and it is bad for your brain. It is OK to do it once in a while, but don't do it a lot. 

                I hope my tips help you fall asleep quicker! Comment the best tip down below!


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